The Real Secret (Notch Theory) =Remastered=

As you can tell, Markus "Notch" Persson was the creator of Minecraft, and has worked hard to make the official release, and had made Mojang, a gaming company he founded to help continue developing it for him. But what you didn't know is that he is more of an.. 'odd' person. You wanna know why? Well, I'll I tell you.
Notch DID have a dead brother. He was found dead during the time Notch went to University. He was put in a coffin, and they put his computer with him, as it was his brother's most prized possession..
His ghost had later haunted the computer and made a character in Notch's game Minecraft, who looked so simple that it still scares people today. He uses a Steve skin (Except it has a smile instead of an emotionless expression, and also full white eyes and no pupils. He is mostly known as Herobrine, aka HIM). It is unknown what his real name is. Notch found out he was alive, and he promised to never give out Herobrine's real name in real life.
He made jokes of adding in Herobrine, removing Herobrine, and he always made excuses for not having a Dead brother.
He also chose a pixel like texture for Minecraft due to his brother's love of the Nostalgia 8-bit graphics. He got the idea of the skeleton because of an overrated Trollpasta cliche.
He also was a spy. He stole as many minerals as he could and actually put them into the Minecraft using technology so powerful that not even your computer can handle it. He didn't make the pixel art, he actually
took them in without permission and made a big 8-bit pixellated 3D object.
So when you play Minecraft, ask yourself. Why am I even playing a game made by this person, who was supposedly so odd?
Nope, none of this stuff is true. I know you wouldn't believe this.
-Remastered by Maowcraft
-Original by... Idk.